The Next Round: What happens after you change your drinking?


A product of its time: The story of GIMBER

We first tried GIMBER at our Mindful Drinking Festival in January of last year and were blown away by the amount of flavour it had. We caught up with the team behind the organic alternative to alcohol with plenty of bite.

For many of us, January presents an opportunity to pause and reflect on goals, habits and the year ahead. But changing habits can be daunting and difficult, even – or perhaps especially – when it’s just for a month.

Finding great non-alcoholic drinks is key to making the mindful choice exceedingly easy. GIMBER is one of these; the organic alternative to alcohol with a healthy kick. Turn water into gold by simply mixing 30ml GIMBER with sparkling water and your garnish of choice. Just be warned, it’s a good habit that just might stick.

GIMBER founder Dimitri Oosterlynck
GIMBER founder, Dimitri Oosterlynck

No alcohol; all kick

Whether you are going no or low this January, we know those choices can be tough. GIMBER founder, Dimitri Oosterlynck, is no stranger to them. It was his search for a sophisticated alternative to alcohol, one with character and kick but no booze, that led him to create a drink with a delicate blend and unparalleled bite. 

Oosterlynck’s journey began in the summer of 2017 when his wife bought a bottle of fresh pressed ginger concentrate at a market in France. 

“It was disgusting,” says Oosterlynck. “It was awful to drink but when I tasted this for the first time I just said, ‘fuck, this is …something that gives me a kick’. You don’t [often] find that when you’re not drinking alcohol.” 

Back home in Belgium, he had dreaded attending yet another event serving cheap wine or sugary soft drinks. He realised that the power of ginger was the answer to his search for an alcohol-free, yet premium, drinking experience with a bite.

A product of its time

After a few months of experimenting with ginger, lemon, herbs and spices, Oosterlynck found the perfect balance. Family and friends who tried it loved the taste and Oosterlynck quickly realised that this was something people had been looking for. 

“We shared the same problem,” he says. 

The problem was a lack of genuine alternatives to alcohol, as opposed to replacements. While other options recreate the taste of alcohol, GIMBER is an alternative all-together. A non-alcoholic spirit, for example, is perfect when recreating certain cocktails but not necessarily something we crave with breakfast. 

GIMBER, on the other hand, can be enjoyed throughout the day in a variety of ways; it’s great as a morning pick-me-up or as a sumptuous evening cocktail. If the mood strikes, you can add your favourite spirit, drink it hot or use it to spice up your cooking. That versatility, and the mindful lifestyle around it, is key. 

“We were looking for something else and I hope that GIMBER will be that product. A product of its time,” says Oosterlynck. “A time where people are looking for something in balance, where they take control of their health.” 

GIMBER perfect serve

A root to be reckoned with

Incorporating mindful choices into a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable is GIMBER’s raison d’être and took Oosterlynck on a journey into the wondrous world of ginger. 

GIMBER contains more than 38% certified-organic ginger, a high concentration that not only adds to the unique warmth and flavour but also has numerous restorative properties. Some of the health benefits linked to this powerful root, or rather to gingerol – its main bioactive compound – include anti-inflammation (great for muscle soreness), reducing stress, relieving nausea and boosting the immune system; we could all use a bit of that after the year we’ve had! 

GIMBER fans have found that the best way of sticking to a balanced lifestyle is by having something to hand that makes those healthier choices easy. 

“I don’t want to impose it [an alcohol-free lifestyle] on people (…) but I want us to be examples that inspire people,” explains Oosterlynck.

Moving towards better choices because they are tasty and make us feel fantastic, rather than restricting ourselves, are exactly the good vibes GIMBER wants to spread. With 0% alcohol, 100% taste and 200% bite, we can confidently say that the future of alcohol-free is here.

Discover more GIMBER recipes by clicking through the picture below

Gimber recipe card

This content is sponsored by Gimber. Find them on Facebook and Instagram.

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