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New quit lit books for a sober 2022

New quit lit books for a sober 2022

Several new books are coming out for the mindful drinking, sober curious, or already alcohol-free reader. We review some of the latest ones here. Buy them as Christmas presents for yourself, or to someone you know would like them. You may also want to start preparing for a Dry January already. Or maybe stock up on quit lit for a sober 2022. Please note that some of the books in this review have already been published worldwide, but some are not yet available. So you may have to pre-order and wait a week or two.

Soberful – Uncover a Sustainable, Fulfilling Life Free of Alcohol

By Veronica Valli

Veronica is a sobriety coach, podcaster, an old friend of Club Soda, and the author of some of the very first quit lit books. She also gave up alcohol twenty years ago. She therefore has a lot of wisdom to share, both about quitting and about leading an alcohol-free life. Veronica’s latest book, Soberful, has a short first part helping you review your relationship with alcohol, and a longer second part on “building an alcohol-free life that works”. She introduces five pillars of sustainable sobriety, which she calls movement, balance, connection, process and growth.

There’s no week by week programme here. But the contents cover a lot of ground, with useful information and helpful reflections. And there are many “journal prompts” to help you process your journey. (If you’re new to the idea of journaling, our How to Journal online course could be an excellent companion to the book!). Soberful is highly recommended for anyone, both at the start and in the middle of your sober journey.

Buy Soberful from Amazon UK // Amazon US // Amazon Australia // Amazon Canada

Euphoric: Ditch Alcohol and Gain a Happier, More Confident You

By Karolina Rzadkowolska

Karolina is an alcohol-free life coach, and you may remember her from Club Soda Mindful Drinking Festivals too. The first half of her book is “classic quit lit”. It covers all the good things you will get from not drinking (both physical and psychological), self-improvement tips and inspiration. The second half takes you through a practical eight-week plan to give up alcohol. For each week, there is reading material and a journaling exercise – and a mocktail recipe to try. The writing is engaging and easy to read. A good choice if you’ve decided to quit and want a path through the first weeks of sobriety. Please note that in some locations, this book is titled Euphoric: An Eight-Week Plan to Ditch Alcohol and Reclaim Your Life.

Buy Euphoric from Amazon UK // Amazon US // Amazon Australia // Amazon Canada

Intrinsic: A manifesto to reignite our inner drive

By Sharath Jeevan

Sharath is another familiar person from our October 2021 online Mindful Drinking Festival. In his Festival webinar, he talked about the topic of this book: finding purpose in our life, work and relationships. Sharath’s book applies the concepts of purpose (how what we do helps others), autonomy (our ability to change things positively) and mastery (our sense of continually getting better) to help us see our motivation in these vital life areas in a radically new light. But why is that important in the context of changing your drinking? Because growing beyond alcohol opens up the possibility of building a happier and more fulfilled life. Transforming your life doesn’t have to happen all at once, but taking small steps can build your confidence and motivation for further change. “Intrinsic motivation,” as Sharath puts it, “is about going on a journey because it’s inherently satisfying, rewarding and enjoyable in its own right.”

Buy Intrinsic from Amazon UK // Amazon US

Help! I’m Addicted – A Trans Girl’s Self-Discovery and Recovery

By Rhyannon Styles

Sadly, we have not yet got a copy of this book to read, but we decided to list it anyway. As far as we know, it is the first book of its kind. And we are sure many Club Soda members will want to read it. Rhyannon’s book tells her story of giving up alcohol and starting a gender transition at the same time. The book’s topics include addiction, recovery and LGBTQ+ mental health, all in one place. According to the blurb, it “offers advice, hope and support for those struggling with addiction in its many forms.”

Buy Help! I’m Addicted from Amazon UK // Amazon US // Amazon Australia // Amazon Canada

Alcohol Reconsidered: Education for Moderation

By Lesley Miller and Catheryn Kell-Clarke

Alcohol Reconsidered is written by two former school teachers, with additional material by a UK National Health Service addiction practitioner Sylvain Tiecoura. The three authors cover a lot of ground in this book’s 190 pages. Their personal drinking stories weave in among chapters on alcohol’s links to many health and social issues. Alcohol Reconsidered has less practical info about quitting or mindful drinking than some other books of this type, but for anyone looking for a good book to get started, it is a good place to go. Clearly written and with a qualified professional on the team, the health and medical content is reliable.

Buy Alcohol Reconsidered from Amazon UK // Amazon US // Amazon Australia // Amazon Canada

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