The Next Round: What happens after you change your drinking?

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Black History Month Yasmin Spark

Yasmin Spark’s podcast takeover for Black History Month

This podcast episode is kicking off a series of 5 episodes to come over the next month focusing on Black History Month. We’ve invited the wonderful Yasmin Spark to take over our podcast for the month, leading a series of interviews with voices from the Global Majority on changing drinking habits and overcoming problem drinking.

In this introductory podcast, we get to know our Black History Month podcast host. Yaz approached Laura with an idea to create connections for people of colour in the mindful drinking community, and we’re honoured to help her make that happen. She’s put together an incredible array of stories, perspectives, and topics for the coming weeks. 

Who is Yasmin Spark?

Yasmin Spark has been sober for the past six years and is passionate about creating alcohol-free spaces that bring people together. She began her journey into the alcohol-free world by setting up a mobile bar that created non-alcoholic cocktails, but that wasn’t enough to tackle the larger issues at play within her community.

I noticed that the sober spaces I was in were very white…and in the beginning, they were quite masculine-led, as well. As a black woman, and especially as a black queer woman as well, you know, it just didn’t feel that safe. I started reaching out to other black sober people within the communities that I knew and also online so that we can try and build a supportive community for us all – for black people and for people of color. Because we’re still not that represented in this mindful drinking scene.

Yasmin Spark

Yasmin is the founder of Align Events, a UK-based mobile bar service providing non-alcoholic, vegan, halal cocktails and wines made using innovative techniques and sustainably sourced ingredients. The company aims to provide safe spaces with accessible options for all, allowing everyone to experience all the bubbles without the troubles!

What to expect on the podcast this Black History Month.

Stay tuned to the Club Soda podcast over the next 5 weeks to hear interviews from fantastic guests for Black History Month such as Valerie Mason-John, Dina Basharahil, Lazarus Letcher. We speak to black and people of colour from our community who all have different experiences and individual insights into changing their drinking.

Want to listen to other great podcast episodes?

The Club Soda podcast is available wherever you subscribe to podcasts. Find your platform here. Whether you want in-depth interviews or lively discussion, life-changing advice, or practical tips, the podcast has something for everyone. Join Club Soda co-founders Laura Willoughby and Dru Jaeger to hear from experts on sober and mindful living. All our podcast episodes also appear on our website with show notes, helpful links, and information.

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