The Next Round: What happens after you change your drinking?

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Drinks for Everyone: Experiences and perceptions of alcohol-free drinks


This report sets out what we know about how people use alcohol-free drinks to change their drinking habits.

UK is now a global leader in developing alcohol-free beers, wines and spirits.

This report sets out what we know about how people use alcohol-free drinks to change their drinking habits. It draws on three pieces of research:

  • An opinion poll of 2,000 UK adults on their drinking habits and attitudes to alcohol-free drinks
  • A boost poll of adults in Scotland was also conducted to see how Scottish views might vary from the UK as a whole
  • Focus groups with Club Soda members, exploring individual experiences of alcohol-free drinks
  • A review of existing research which draws together the latest evidence on drinking behaviours and the role of alcohol-free drinks.

We approach this subject not as independent researchers but as activists for change. In Club Soda, we have seen first-hand the impact that alcohol-free drinks can have in reducing alcohol consumption and enabling inclusion for people who are drinking less or not at all.

We hope this report adds to the growing evidence base for the benefits of choosing alcohol-free drinks.

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