The Next Round: What happens after you change your drinking?

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How to improve the sales of low and no alcohol beer – short version


There are many breweries now brewing great beers but there are also many pain points for venues and consumers in accessing them. We wanted to investigate what these pain points were and to look for solutions in order to find out how licensed venues can sell more low and no alcohol beer.

This is the short version of our research report. Please see the full report for further information and analysis.

The research came about because we kept hearing of many barriers to the sale of low and no alcohol beer; from brewers, venues, and consumers. 

There are many breweries now brewing great beers but there are also many pain points for venues and consumers in accessing them. We wanted to investigate what these pain points were and to look for solutions in order to find out how licensed venues can sell more low and no alcohol beer. 

Finding solutions is important to us at Club Soda. Our goal is to create a world where nobody feels out of place if they’re not drinking alcohol. We want everyone to have more choice in pubs, bars and restaurants. We are not here to take anything away but to add more choice in. 

How can we do that if there are still barriers that create an unlevel playing field for the new low and no alcohol entrants into the beer space? How can we educate the consumer and the retailer quicker so that we can maintain momentum for this new low and no drink trend?

We summarised these issues into setting out to find the answer to one question in particular:

How can licensed venues sell more low and no alcohol beer?


Pages: 24

Written: September 2019

This research was supported and funded by the Worshipful Company of Brewers via a grant from the Brewers Research and Education Fund. Other funders included the City of London and Heineken UK.

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